Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The bitter and the sweet

It's kind of a cliche that you have to experience the bitter in order to appreciate the sweet. After the stress of last week, I'm kind of going with the flow so far the past few days. Okay, I've been adding names to my shit list, and become rather bitchy with flakes, flip floppers and other fools who keep trying to waste my time!

But, having planned several company events, picnics and fundraiser fetes, I know that it's so stressful in the days leading up to the big hoorah and there are times when it seems like you'd be better off just canceling the whole thing since nothing is going your way. And yet, somehow, someway, it all just comes together. There are minor hiccups at times, but the key word is minor and most are fixable. Everyone has a good time, you pull the damn thing off and are happy and content to know that it all came together. Or, in my case, that I won! That I managed to overcome all the things that conspired against me.

That's where I'm at today. Trying to stay positive, but it's becoming more and more difficult! At 5 pm today I found out that the vendor who was supplying a commercial BBQ grill for us to use to grill hamburgers and hotdogs for 300 people called to say that they couldn't get a grill and that they wanted to provide something else rather than the items already specified. The party is on Friday people!! If it were possible to strangle someone through a land line telephone, this man would be dead! I'm sure I didn't sound nice, but I told him that I cannot have him change everything now. But, I'm still stuck without a grill!! Grrrr... So much for taking the afternoon off tomorrow.

I really wanted to have a nice relaxing day at the pool, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

Interesting development. Since I've been spending so much time in the office lately, I keep running into a hot guy who works there. Not sure if he's gay or not, but he's really freaking cool! He's been helping secure a few details for me for this event so we've had to email a lot. Well, yesterday, rather than just replying to my email, he called me! And left his cell number! And then today he made a point to come see me in my office. He works in a different building and I've never seen him in my building! Hmmm. Seems like he's going out of his way to see me, donchya think? So... I'm excited to hopefully hang out with him more at the event on Friday. See him away from the office. Really not crazy about dating a sort of co-worker, but, definitely worth checking out anyway.

True story: when my best friend met him a few months ago, her first thought was that he's sooo the type of guy for me!

Well, my other job can't be put on hold while I put out fires and deal with difficult people, so I better put this post to bed. That, and my beer is getting warm. See, the title was appropo- blogging over beer! Mwah ha ha!

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