Have you been wondering how our event turned out on Friday? Where'd all that rain come from! So- block party plus rain= lame party.
By 4pm I was a bundle of stress. Things just kept going wrong! At 3pm the band was still trying to secure equipment rentals so they could play at 6pm! And for some reason I was needed to help negotiate this for them? I'm still puzzled at how I needed to get involved.
And just as I was dealing with all these merchants who were questioning the methodology of my map drawing for our Saturday event, I was running late to help set up for the party. I arrived just as it started to rain. Then 3 other merchants yelled at me for "excluding" them on the promo materials for Saturday. I tried to explain but tempers had already flared to the extent that any attempt at reason was futile. I was furious! It was just assumed that I did it on purpose or something!
I work for a group of 50 businesses! I work for all of them and try to help promote all of them! Okay, two of the 5 complainers were excluded in error- but it was fixable! Just give me a chance to make it right, right? It was ridiculous. It upsets me when people aren't willing to find a solution to the problem but would rather scream and yell and walk away without anything resolved. How does that fix anything? Sure venting makes you feel better in the short term, but did anything get solved? Yes, I left the party to go redo the map and have it reprinted. But, I would have done that anyway. But, it would have made everyone feel better if we could have avoided the big dramatic scene. Especially me.
Then the guy with the grill (remember him from the previous post?) canceled on me. No food for our crowd! Great... The band also canceled, but that was a bit more understandable. Electronic equipment + rain and lightning= charbroiled band members.
So after all of that, I just sat down and started drinking. I was done. Spent. Defeated. Mother Nature totally kicked my ass on Friday. On the bright side, the police men and firemen were very flirty and my new boss took me to dinner after the event was over since we were denied our grilled burgers and dogs.
The most telling example of how Friday went is this: while I'm away fixing the map that didn't need fixing, the hottie showed up at the party. To see me and I wasn't there. AAARRGGHH!
I was really bummed on Saturday when I was informed of this. But kinda glad he came anyway. Hmmm. More to come from him I'm sure...
All of the drama has not left much time for my 2nd job or for anything else for that matter. I'm finally getting caught up a bit though. I actually took yesterday afternoon off and chilled at the pool. I'm sure I was snoring because I totally fell asleep! It was awesome actually. Very relaxing. I'm going to try to do that more often.
I heard from the one married guy again tonight. I think the other one has finally given up on me. After I turned him down when he offered me money to pay bills a couple of weeks ago- EWWW! I've not heard anymore from him. I really didn't want to find out what "strings" might be attached to that offer and his response shows that it was obviously a conditional one. The money would've been nice, but that'd be like prostituting myself and I won't go there. Broke or not.
Anyway, I IM'd "P" to tell him that I've almost drank all the beer that he brought over way back whenever we first met. I have one left and told him that he needs to stop by again and bring more! This was purely out of curiosity to see what his response would be. He took the bait and we chatted a bit. He's preparing for another business trip so we'll be able to chat more frequently again. I know I should stay away, but he cracks me up and I enjoy chatting with him.
In just a 5 minute conversation, he had me totally laughing out loud. We just feed off each other's jokes like a comedy routine. It's really hilarious.
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