Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hurry up and Wait! I HATE When That Happens...

Today has been a weird day. I was up until late cleaning and woke up early to try to get more done before I left for the farm. As I was laying in bed trying to motivate myself to crawl out from under the covers, He tm'd me! What a great way to start the day! So we tm'd for awhile before he had to catch a bus and I had to get in the shower.

I rushed through everything at the farm so I could get back here in time to finish cleaning before he arrived around 11pm. As I was just passing into the city limits, I received a tm that his plane is delayed. We joked around for a bit so he could pass the time and about the time I reached my door, he was told that the plane would have to wait for the weather to clear at their destination. So, off the plane, and back into the terminal. So, rather than cleaning and straightening. I've been conversing with him. Which would you do?

At this point, it's not looking very promising that He will get to Wichita yet tonight. I know that the final flight from Atlanta to Wichita has about left and he's still 3 hours away. So.... We have to postpone our meeting until tomorrow night! ARRGH! Why??

But, at least that gives me more time to clean! Lol. I'm so wore out right now I just want to go to bed! I'm drinking coffee so I can stay awake and hopefully get more done yet this evening without pissing off my neighbors too much. I now realize why I don't ever clean house- it's really hard work!

I think I'm going to be really happy with how my place looks once I'm done though. It will be nice to be able to have people over without stressing out about what a mess there is.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.....a sign maybe? Telling you this isn't cool? I dunno, just thinking out loud here with absolutely no judgement. I get where you are and what you're feeling/thinking. Yes, you will have those "undescribable feelings" because this is different, new, dare I say forbidden? It is exciting for all of those reasons. Yes, you do deserve better, don't stoop, and do not accept less than you are worth or deserve. You will get hurt, maybe not this week, this year...but eventually you will get hurt by this.
Being single sucks, it's difficult to find a decent, single man. But in this case, in my opinion, this is not even a decent, married man.
By the way - I totaly meant it with all seriousness that this is not coming in the form of judgement. Just providing a little experienced insight. I tripped up on your blog while searching Kansas blogs. Hope you don't mind.

Miss Smarty Pants said...

Hi E! Thank you for your comments. You are so right! I do deserve better and know that I will eventually get hurt. Yes, the excitement comes from all the reasons you described but also because of how I feel about him as a person. But, just as we risk heartache in every connection with a single guy, I just have to go there and see what he's all about- get to know him better. I just really dig this man! Today we finally met in person and the chemistry did translate which made me very happy. I had a really great time, but now that he's gone, yeah I feel sad. I'm not sure how long I'm going to be okay with is, if ever fully okay with it. I just want to enjoy the ride while I can. I think the best I can do is to go into this with my eyes wide open and without any unrealistic expectations.

It sounds like you've been where I am and are trying to encourage me to "don't go there." If someone had warned you, would you have listened? I'm guessing probably not.
- Show quoted text -

Anonymous said...

I didn't go through this personally, but over the years 2 of my closest friends have. I'll spare you all the gory details, but they didn't end well.
I'm glad you are enjoying yourself. I'm glad (and hope) you are being realistic.
Enjoy your life! It sounds like you have a lot to be happy about!

Miss Smarty Pants said...

Thanks again for the words of encouragement. Yes, I'm being realistic. You'll have to read my lastest posts- he freaked and bailed. He wasn't as ready for this as he thought. Although he spared me the heartache of leaving later, I'm sad because I was really digging him.

Apparently you were right? Not meant to be? Lol.